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Brenda Wolff
Access Consciousnes BARS®, Body Processes & Energetic Facelift Practitioner

Reiki Practitioner

ThetaHealing Advanced

In 2007 I had hit rock bottom in depression and knew that something had to change. I knew there had to be something more, that something else was possible.  Creator would not put us here to endure this kind of reality.  Unsure of what was possible for me at the time, I started to ask questions and seek help from Mediums.  Believing that there was something wrong with me.   Then I was told that I was a healer.  A few days after that my husband was having shoulder pain.  Out of the blue I said "let me try something?"  Unsure of what I was doing, I followed my intuition.  A few minutes later when I stopped he was suprised that he was no longer in any discomfort.  I proceeded to take Reiki Level 1, 2 & 3, then I moved onto ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced and more recently Access Consciousness BARS, Foundation, Level 1, 2 & 3.


It has been an amazing journey, not all fun and games that's for sure.  But I have learnt so much about myself, that it is ok to Love me just the way I am, to Trust and to Allow Life to happen.  It is our resistance that stands in the way of us receiving what we desire. 


It's about choosing differently, Consciously.  Being Mindful instead of Mindfull.  For some it may seem like it happens overnight, for others, myself included, it is an ongoing process and you know what?   I Deserve it and so do You!

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